Watch the recording of the teen brain community discussion here:
A special screening of the brilliant 10-minute short film The Teen Brain, directed by Emmy-nominated director (and native Mill Valley resident) Tiffany Shlain and executive produced by Goldie Hawn and MindUP. Tiffany and a panel of national experts from the film discuss the powerful adolescent brain, how parents/caregivers can support their teens, offer tools to help navigate the highs and the lows, and take questions.
Panel of National Experts
Tiffany Shlain - Executive & Creative Director, Co-Founder of Let It Ripple Studio. She is an artist, Emmy-nominated filmmaker, founder of the Webby Awards, and national bestselling author. Her work has been shown at The Museum of Modern Art, The Sundance Film Festival, on the National Mall in Washington DC and at US embassies worldwide.
Ken Ginsburg, MD, MSEd - Founding Director of the Center for Parent and Teen Communication (CPTC) and Professor of Pediatrics at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Physician in adolescent medicine and the author of 5 award-winning parenting books including "Congrats You're Having a Teen: Strengthen Your Family and Raise a Good Person". He also edited a multimedia professional toolkit on “Reaching Teens.”
Ellen Galinsky - President of Families and Work Institute, elected President of the Work and Family Researchers Network, and a senior research advisor to AASA, the School Superintendent Organization. Previously, she was Chief Science Officer of the Bezos Family Foundation. She’s the author of the bestselling Mind in the Making on early learning and The Breakthrough Years: A New Scientific Framework for Raising Thriving Teens.
Michael Rich, MD, MPH - Founder and Director of the Digital Wellness Lab at Boston Children’s Hospital, Co-Director & Co-Founder Clinic for Interactive Media and Internet Disorders, Pediatrician in Adolescent Medicine at Boston Children’s Hospital, and Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. Author of The Mediatrician’s Guide: A Joyful Approach to Raising Healthy, Smart, Kind Kids in a Screen-Saturated World.
Blooma Shlain - A student at Tamalpais High School where she is a member of Peer Resources. She also participated in the film.
Please feel free to watch the film ahead of time and send us your questions for the panelists (